Where Do I Even Begin…

Over the Christmas holidays my husband was diagnosed with cancer – squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil. Before he could begin treatment he had a ruptured brain aneurysm and was airlifted from St. Mary’s (our local hospital) to Jefferson Neuroscience Hospital in Philadelphia. He’s been there in critical condition in the ICU for 19 days.

During John’s first week there, while I was on the train on my way to see him, my dad died. It was January 25th at approximately 9:50am. I didn’t even get to say goodbye. :(

So needless to say, this year is off to a rough start.

I started a GoFundMe page to help alleviate some of what’s going to be astronomical expenses, and I was overwhelmed at the outpouring of support! If you’d like to donate, or read more about what happened click on the following picture or CLICK HERE. Thank you in advance!


I do have good news as of this afternoon! John’s brain drain was removed on Sunday night/Monday morning. They closely monitored him for 48 hours and then did a follow up CT this morning. It was clear!! John is getting released tomorrow and gets to come home!

He’ll have to do some in-home PT, and take it easy for a couple weeks before having another follow up CT, but after that we’ll be able to get his cancer treatment started.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. ❤️ Thank you.

22 thoughts on “Where Do I Even Begin…

  1. Big hugs!! I know what it’s like not to be able to say goodbye…it happened with both of my parents.

  2. When you posted about your Dad, I truly couldn’t believe it was YOUR Dad. No one should ever have to go through what you’ve gone through. You are both tough cookies and definitely are in my thoughts all the time.

  3. I am so sorry about the terrible things that have happened to you. I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. I’m sorry about your father. I lost mine without saying goodbye and it leaves an empty hole in your heart. I hope your husband recovers quickly. Keep positive!

  4. oh wow my heart pours out to you. We also have had a terrible and unthinkable few weeks with my sister unexpectedly passing away from flu complications. I sure you are feeling lots of the same feelings that I am. skirt sports hugs to you

  5. Hey Laura. I tried to donate but got a message that the campaign was not ready and that you had been notified. I can’t imagine why they would say that when others have clearly donated. I’ll check back. Hang in there. I can’t even imagine what you are going through.

  6. Jeebus, Laura. I knew about hubby, but not the part about your dad. I certainly hope the year is looking up now. I’m keeping you and John in my thoughts. <3

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